Congratulations on 10 years Bridget, what an incredible milestone! We are honored to share Bridget McCall's story for the sixth year in a row and are excited to share her message this week.
This month I became a 10 year brain tumor survivor and I’m beyond excited to celebrate with The Linda W. Daniel Foundation and a #movememonday! In 2012 I was diagnosed with an oligodendroglioma (aka “oligo”) brain tumor after having a grand mal seizure over lunch with a colleague. In the last decade I’ve had two craniotomies and underwent chemo and radiation. I’m deeply grateful that the treatment was effective and for the people around me who have kept me going through challenging times. Throughout this period I’ve been able to continue to move - which helped me remain physically and mentally strong, so let’s get moving this Monday for The Linda W. Daniel Foundation!
Big shout out to Caragh and Chris Lengle for this amazing support!!
Learn more about Bridget's Brigade and the National Brain Tumor Society's National Brain Tumor Walk and Race for Hope on Sunday May 1st in Washington D.C.
Special thank you to Chris & Caragh Lengle for generously sponsoring this week annually!

Bridget's 2021 Update
Thank you so much to the Linda W. Daniel Foundation and Caragh and Chris Lengle for the opportunity to be involved in Move Me Monday for my 5th year. You should be so proud of what you’re doing for so many.
My story started in 2012 when I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Two brain surgeries later I was able to resume my favorite hobbies, including fitness and health. In 2015 and 2016 I underwent radiation and chemo after learning my tumor had grown. Treatment was successful and the day after finishing chemo my husband and I boarded a flight to Peru to hike to Machu Picchu.
Today I’m healthy and I am so grateful for the Linda W. Daniel Foundation, Caragh and Chris for their ongoing support.

Bridget's 2020 Update
My story started in 2012 when I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Two brain surgeries later I was able to resume my favorite hobbies, including fitness and health. In 2015 and 2016 I underwent radiation and chemo after learning my tumor had grown. Treatment was successful and literally the day after finishing chemo my husband and I left for Peru to hike to Machu Picchu. It was a challenging 3 days but it was amazing and I recommend it!!
Today I’m healthy and happy and have a 9 month old, Marion Rose. Admittedly, sometimes she serves as my extra weight for squats and my sandbag for shoulder presses but it’s all out of love (and to harness the power of fitness)! I have so much to be grateful for and cannot thank the Linda W. Daniel Foundation, Caragh and Chris enough for their ongoing support.

Bridget's 2019 Update
Seven years ago I was diagnosed with a brain tumor and after surgery, radiation and chemo I’m healthy and grateful for all my friends who supported me over the years. Also, despite the impacts of radiation and chemo, I’m now a mom-to-be and believe that my ongoing focus on fitness was a factor in my ability to get pregnant. #BeatTheOdds Thank you to the Linda W. Daniel Foundation and my dear friends Caragh and Chris Lengle for supporting me today and over the last 7 years. #keepfighting#EveryStepCounts!

Bridget's 2018 Update
I am a six year brain tumor survivor and so proud of my amazing friends for committing to the Linda W. Daniel Foundation and supporting me today and for the last six years. On April 12th, 2012 I had my first grand mal seizure while on a work trip, and that afternoon I woke up in the hospital. Hours later, as my family flew and drove to be with me, I was told I had a mass in my brain. It’s hard to believe what’s happened over the last six years - moments (some of which were really long moments) of disbelief, sadness, frustration and then ultimately immeasurable gratitude and the feeling of pure luck for being alive and healthy. Like other cancers, brain tumors vary in prognosis and I’m fortunate to have a less aggressive tumor that positively responded to treatment.
Fitness and diet were two factors that immediately became increasingly important to me after my diagnosis, and I truly believe it influenced how I have tolerated multiple years of treatment and the deficits one experiences with a brain tumor. It was just three days after my surgery that I walked a 5k for the National Brain Tumor Society. #Keepfighting

Move Me Monday Storyteller, Bridget McCall, April 2017
Being a brain cancer survivor (5 years!) has changed my definition of gratitude, fortune, love and how to LIVE. I’ve learned that if you want something – an experience, new challenge, family, a new career – you shouldn’t wait for it. If you can do it today, don’t wait! I’ve also learned that sometimes you have to live for two; if you’ve lost someone to cancer I encourage you to work twice as hard to love, enjoy and enrich your life because someone else didn’t have the chance.
Below is a photo of me with my husband, Patrick, after a three day hike of the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. Just six days after my final chemo treatment I culminated my journey by reaching the highest point above Machu Picchu, Huayna Picchu. Sometimes you have to push yourself to reach that final peak to really LIVE! Don’t wait. Get after LIFE! Thank you to the Linda W. Daniel Foundation and Caragh and Chris Lengle for allowing me to be part of #MoveMeMonday!

Move Me Monday Storyteller, Bridget McCall, April 2016
I grew up enjoying athletics, starting with youth soccer, swim team and learning to throw a baseball with my dad. I enjoyed 12 seasons of high school sports and relished the 4 years I spent playing college field hockey. Through all those years, I never needed stitches, broke a bone or suffered anything that kept me off the field. So, the day I woke up in a hospital and learned I had a brain tumor I couldn’t believe it. I underwent two brain surgeries, but 4 days after my second surgery and only 2 days after being discharged from the hospital, I walked my first Race for Hope 5k. As of last week, I’m a 4 year brain cancer survivor and continue to focus on the power of fitness - I live every day with gratitude, gym time on my schedule and often with a green shake in my hand.
